Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Are you yearning to be something more than you are now? Do you wish to conduct your life more consciously? Is your true desire a boundless, limitless self? Have you asked yourself "who am I", "who am I without this body", what is the nature of my self identity? Are you aware that you are on a journey as a spiritual being from unconsciousness to consciousness. Are you aware that the ego is an entity the mind created and not your true self? If you are aware that you are a spiritual being living in a body would you like to express your full divinity? If you feel that you have resistance to people, places, circumstances and events would you like to remedy this? If you are aware that science is a limited way of looking at life and that the core of life can only be experienced through consciousness itself to find truth. Do you long for direct experience through pure consciousness? Are you stuck in the mind and not experiencing life to the fullest?

Do you want to create what you care for? Do you want to be joyous? Do you want to create joyousness? So many questions. Where do the answers lie? Perhaps for you the answers could lie in the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique or QHHT. What is QHHT? Read on, discover, experience!

The Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique was developed by Delores Cannon over multiple decades of regressive hypnosis with her clients. This technique allows the client to access what in recent times has come to be commonly referred to as either the "Higher Self" or the "Over Soul" or the "Super Conscious". Through the QHHT method individuals enter the sumnambulistic state. With the facilitation of the QHHT Practitioner subjects can be guided through current or past life traumas which allows healings of these traumas to take place naturally as the experiences of the traumas are reframed in a new perspective and then integrated into the self. After reviewing a number of important past lives contact is made with the subconscoius where answers lie to all your questions. While your body is in the sumnambulistic state resting in a safe comfortable environment the QHHT facilitator asks your subconscious self the questions you most want answers to.

If this sounds appealing to you you can discover a lot more for yourself by visiting the QHHT website at QHHT Official


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